نحن مركز رياضي و صحي للنساء والفتيات في المملكة العربية السعودية. نركز على ثلاثة جوانب من حياة المرأة، وهي: اللياقة البدنية، التغذية والجمال. عادة تحتاج المرأة إلى الاهتمام والأخذ في الإعتبار رفاهيتها، وكذلك احترامها لذاتها. نعتقد أنه إذا تم توفير الرعاية المتخصصة والمعرفة المناسبة، فيمكنها تحقيق أهدافها داخل سبكتروم وإصدار نسخة أكثر صحة وسعادة وأجمل من نفسها.
فريق من الخبراء

Rhythmic gymnastic and choreography classical dance trainer Pilates mat gate 1,2,3 instructor Reformer instructor Suspension Training instructor4d Pro instructor Personal fitness -trainer

Jojo is a boxing &Aerobics Instructor and Personal trainer. She has been involved in the Health and Wellness industry for over 10 years. She has worked in a variety of different environments, from kids to seniors ,she is also certified Pilates , Yogafit , Spinning , AG & 4D pro instructor

Maha has 15 years of experience in fitness training as a spinning , pilates, antigravity instructor. My goal is to motivate people to lead a healthy, balanced life through exercising.

With 25+ years of experience, Tracy is a pioneer for women’s fitness in KSA. Vice President of Spectrum Wellness for Women and VOG Salons, she also heads the Academy as a Master Instructor in Spinning®, Peak Pilates® and Antigravity®.

Manal is a Coach physical therapist and a passionate Spinning®️ Instructor ® Level 3 Her goal is to create an up beat rhythmic ride to bring power and funE ach class is full of energy and exhilarating experience She collaborate the best of her abilities with forces of inspiration and share them with others through the power of spinning She is also Certified Fitness Instructor Specialist 4D PRO® Instructor A Peak Pilates®️ Basic Mat Instructor

Fitness Instructor trainingand Personal working@Spectrum Gym KSA.Happy for my Fitness Teaching career with Passion and Motivating people how impt. to be fit and stay fit

Personal trainers canfitpro Fitness group specialist can fit pro Spinning ,Boxersice one to one coach U bound iand Body pump advanced instructor also Body combat, Body attack ,Grit instructor Zumba basic Proskills Strong by zumba Piloxing ,Yoga fit and 4d pro

Before entering the fitness world, Katrina is a volunteer Professional Caregiver for Special Child and Senior Citizens in Philippines Now, she is a certified 4 years Fitness Instructor and counting, with the following certifications: Zumba Fitness / Zumba Kids / Strong Zumba, Spinning, Queenax, 4d Pro, Antigravity Fun 1 & Fun 2/ Aerial Yoga / Antigravity Kids, HIIT, Kick Boxing / Fit Ab, Bootcamp Level 1, and Black Belter

Mona al-Obaidi CoachFitness/ Health/ Lifestyle Full body toning, enhanced agility, strength training/ sports conditioning/ PT trainer and ZIN member. FIS, PT from canfitpro Zumba®️ certified.
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